Our Agents

Maura E. Cannon
Houlihan Lawrence Wareck D’Ostilio take great pride in welcoming industry veteran Realtor Maura Cannon as Sales Manager for the company. She will be supporting agents in all five offices.
An expert in negotiation and communication, Maura is highly skilled in leadership, building strong working relationships, and structuring dynamic sales teams to achieve strategic sales goals. Her industry knowledge spans from new construction to first time home buyers to active adults and seniors.
“Maura is a Milford native, is focused, organized, self-motivated, and creative,” said John Wareck, partner in Wareck D'Ostilio Real Estate. “Her experience and success have contributed to her excellent people skills and ability to establish good communication with clients, staff, and realtors.”
Maura E. Cannon
Real Estate Professional
174 Cherry Street
Milford, CT 06460
Phone: 203-980-3735
Email: mcannon@houlihanlawrence.com